We support the project "Tá Limpo" in the Favela Borel. This social ecology project based on the Social Ecological Model (SEM) is a theory-based framework for understanding the multifaceted and interactive effects of personal and environmental factors that determine behaviors, and for identifying behavioral and organizational leverage points and intermediaries for health promotion within organizations.
The human being, in the center - in the main focus. In sustainable ecology, we create opportunities that stimulate and support recycling, reducing consumption through lectures and small projects. As a second focus, but not least, we provide the necessary resources so that individuals and families can live with a decent quality of life. From the understanding that we are an integral part of the planet, we understand our individual responsibility to care, expanding it to our community.
Currently, through the project by recycling solid waste material, we help sustain and support two families in the community who lived on less than half a minimum wage. However, we hope to help this initiative to expand. This project helps to provide a return on investment to the community at the three levels: individual, micro setting (family) and macro scenario (as a community).